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Our History & Our Mission


Working with a group of fellow Kiwanians on a project, most times to raise funds for specific family or a child’s needs, all with one goal in mind…make someone’s life better while at the same time, enjoying other’s company.” states Brownie (Frank) M. Brown, a Kiwanian for 38 years.

K - “I joined Kiwanis Poconos-Daybreak thanks to Scott Judy. He said that they were finally accepting females in the clubs. So I was their ‘token’ female, if only for a few months. At that time we were meeting at Motel Inn Town on Park Avenue.

My most memorable time was when I was selling Kiwanis peanuts (still kidded about this). A young boy, about 10 named Kenny was riding his bike around the parking lot and he asked me if he could help sell the peanuts. Of course I said yes and what a job he did! He showed up for two Saturdays and around the holidays, the club purchased a new bike for him. An example of the great group of people we have in our club.” states Carole Ann Gehring, a Kiwanian for 24 years.

K – “I originally joined Kiwanis after Marty Alfano asked me to come to a membership drive breakfast. Marty knew I was a member of the Pocono Mountain Jaycees but also knew I was thinking of leaving since ‘Chesty’ was not the kind of member I thought the Jaycees should be considering to join.

I like to help underprivileged children in our community and that is what Kiwanis does in the entire world. I have worked many projects over the years and the last four years have had my own project to help fund our Holiday Project, helping kids have a great Christmas. My music shows are what I enjoy the most since it is my project.” states Scott Judy, a Kiwanian for 27 years.


Originally our club’s name was the Kiwanis Club of Stroudsburg-Daybreak. However in 1994, it was changed to the Kiwanis Club of The Poconos-Daybreak. Our club was established in March 1976. Alan B. Karpe was president and Bill (William) E. Yost was secretary. It started with 23 members and met every Wednesday, 7:30 a.m. at the Penn Stroud Hilton. The club’s charter night was held on May 22, 1976. During this year there were 131 new clubs chartered making a total of 6,717 clubs. Our club was the seventh in 1975-1976.


K - “The best part of being a Kiwanian to me is twofold. Hearing from a child or a family who has been helped in some way to enjoy their lives a little better, or their lives were enriched because of what the Kiwanis Club did ‘quietly’ for them. Notes of appreciation are extremely rewarding.